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How to make Fireworks less Stressful for Dogs!

Does your dog struggle with the sound of fireworks?

Does it make them stress and anxious?

Does it worry you?

No need to worry anymore! As having lots of Dogs in the past, here are some great tips to prevent your dog from freaking out during the fireworks.

Keep your dog inside

This one is pretty obvious… if you dog doesn’t like the bangs don’t take them out. If you are planning to watch the fireworks this year, make sure you leave your pooch at home.

Before you go out, make your dog comfy give them a treat and pop on the TV or Radio fairly loud to block out the sound of the fireworks.

Go on a walk

Just before it starts to get dark, and everyone starts letting off fireworks. Make sure you take your fury friend on a nice long walk, take a ball to play and tired them out or do some training with them. This will make them tired and should hopefully make them sleep through the noise or hopefully just settle them down a little more as they won’t be so hyper.

Comfort them

Comforting your dogs during fireworks is a good way to calm them down if they are scared. This will make them feel safe. If you are going to stay indoors for the night you can make the evening nice and cosy for both you and your pup. Grab your dog’s favorite snack and a film they love and turn the volume up to muffle the sound of fireworks! Get nice and cosy under a blanket, give them all the cuddles and belly tickles.

I hope this has helped some of you guys! For any more tips please drop us a message.

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